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The Comeback (69/365)

“The comeback is always stronger than the setback.”

Each of us is on a life journey. Our own life journey, unique from anyone else’s,

I haven’t always believed this. And I can now identify, with relative ease, others who do not yet realize how valuable this mindset can be.

This is especially true for anyone looking to lead a life of purpose and meaning.

Having life experiences beyond my control have convinced me of a simple truth:

The comeback is always stronger than the setback.

Each of us and all of us, at some point, will be confronted with a life-altering challenge. Maybe it’s one that alters our course, or that forces a crucial decision or an ultimatum. Maybe it’s related to personal tragedy. Or perhaps, society matters have impacting who you are, or who each of us is becoming.

Life challenges, despite what we may tell ourselves, are not unique and do not spare any of us from coming face-to-face with having to make a decision on how we will proceed.

The question becomes, how will we choose to respond?

Do we accept the setback?

Or do we embrace the comeback?

Choosing to brace for, accept, and focus on the comeback will shift our approach, making it no longer about the challenge. It increases our ability to influence the outcome or at least, remain in control of how we respond.

But don’t be fooled, it’s not about the outcome either.

It’s about the journey, being able to reflect, and know we’ve grown from experience.

Focusing on the comeback empowers us and catalyzes our continual growth.


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