Unexpected moments of joy…
Anyone who has been on this planet long enough knows, there are things we have to do and things we get to do. We’ve also grown keenly aware of those moments in life when we experience gratitude and joy.
What is the most memorable experience on Earth, then?
Well, I’d argue that it’s the moment we can see the joy in every day life.
Looking at my life, I’ll admit, I’m fortunate to have had the experience of finding love, celebrating the birth of children, and enjoying milestones associated with family, career, and a sense of personal accomplishment. I’ve also experienced loss, struggle, and every day challenges that accompany daily adult life. Lower on the list of concerns are the more mundane aspects of everyday life, such as chores, work, adult responsibilities, and managing and navigating relationships.
This is worth noting, because there are many people out there who get caught up in the “have to do” part of life, and less who see the “get to do” part of life. We see it every day, and in some cases, we don’t have to look too far or too closely to see it. There are people all around us caught up in a world of “have-to’s”.
I’d argue, that we can either a) convert the have-to’s to get-to’s, b) find the joys in the get-to’s, or c) see the have-to’s as a means to an end, the get-to’s.
But I haven’t always thought this way. In fact, it took me quite some time, and there are days when, I still allow myself to get caught up in the weeds of every day life.
However, in the event this will help at least one person, I’d like to offer a few daily examples, and maybe these can help you or help you help someone else.
Have To: Drive to and from work (often, navigating traffic).
Get To: Take the road less traveled, enjoying the unspoiled ocean and bay views, and the stillness of grazing wildlife and water birds, hunting for breakfast.
Have To: Do at-home chores (indoor and/or outdoor).
Get To: Listen to music, learn from podcasts and audio books.
Have To: Get up early (earlier than most people).
Get To: See the sunrise, and experience the still world, before it wakes up.
While not easy to establish, and at times, challenging to maintain, I’ve organized my life to allow for space for these daily moments of joy. As a result, I’ve come to expect that what had once brought feelings of frustration, anxiousness, fatigue now give me the energy I need to fuel my purpose, to help others.
For anyone interested in learning more about how to convert “have-to-do’s” to “get-to-do’s”, I’d strongly recommend checking out the following:
The Science of Happiness (podcast and website)
The Gratitude Diaries (daily podcast)
I Am Mantra (daily Twitter message)
