Today is my 26th consecutive day of publishing a blog post. An even better milestone, however, is receiving warm and cool feedback from people who read my posts each day. The feedback offered by readers helps, because it's honest and actionable.
Collectively, three themes surfaced:
My posts seem longer, of late (which I can confirm, with a higher word count).
I'm writing less "small" and more widely. (I will confess, I've seen that as well.)
The consistency is evident and impressive, roughly three weeks into the challenge.
Reflecting on this feedback has me thinking:
Initially, I set out to write daily, and limited myself to 200 words per post.
I've maintained an aim to "just write", with less focus on a specific word count.
A different structure with different routines recently has resulted in different outputs.
Moving forward, I will write:
Briefly, focusing on small and specific.
About what I notice (H/T Seth Godin).
During a designated time of the day.
The quote above, from James Clear's 3-2-1 Newsletter, has me focused on being a "bad artist". If it means I will get more feedback and will improve, count me in.